DKN 2030 by the Minister of Entrepreneur Development Datuk Seri Mohd Redzuan Yusof is the clear route map which will direct the country economically and allowing entrepreneurs to enhance their skills and mobility to grow not only within the country but globally said the Nitesh Malani the Founder Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia , MyPreneurship.
“With the 14 ministries, 14 national plans, 153 initiatives for the budget of 13.7 billion for the entrepreneurs make the entrepreneurs confident that the DKN 2030 will meets its objective. New improved products and services, technologies of entrepreneurs in Malaysia we are now look into markets to support Malaysia – China trade alliances, SEBA would see strategies”, said Nitesh during the launch.
Yayasan Usahawan Malaysia and the validation SEBA’s awards provide for SMEs, helped young millennial entrepreneurs to recognise Malaysia’s Entrepreneurs companies and Individuals. “The leaders of global business take pride to receive recognition for their hard work and achievements. SEBA sees value in being considered among the best, and use quantitative and qualitative assessment towards the nominations. This being one of the factors to provide and balance of the awardies as we move forward “ added Nitesh..
MURFEST, Asia’s premier wellness, music, dance, healing, fitness and personal growth festival, returns for its 6th year with another exciting and highly anticipated three day weekend filled with an abundance of programmes that will feature more than 80 top international facilitators and celebrated artistes from across the globe will be held at the beautiful, tranquil and artfully landscaped Palace of the Golden Horses from 8th to 10th November, this year.
The fourth edition of SME & Entrepreneurs Business Awards this year which takes place on 8th November 2019 at the same venue, adding another dimension to the proceedings this year and as a special highlight to the three-day festival will be the well-received and been recognising the best SME companies and individual entrepreneurs in Malaysia across a wide range of industries every year.
Reported by: Kogilavani Vijan