“Malaysia imports over USD 15 Billion of food annually and exports far less, this is a major problem that needs to be address as the country moves forward with it’s vision of a developed nation”
The MGBF Food Security Initiative will be based on the following strategic reponses to ensure that multiple stakeholders are engaged and that a consolidated effort can be made
- Improved stakeholder interaction to increased engagement through relationship building and data management.
- Improved understanding of the market challenges and opportunities through research and increased involvement of global subject matter experts.
- Improvement of the supply chain with a focus on science, technology and innovation to improve efficiency.
- Increased access to the various financial resources needed to empower the projects.
- A focus on the need for improved human capital development.
- A sustainable approach which will take into consideration the social, economic and environment aspects in both a local and global context.
- The development of policy and planning recommendations to the various stakeholders.
- An interactive communications plan with the direct involvement of the media to ensure a broader awareness of the situation.
The Malaysia Global Business Forum will be holding a series of strategic roundtables and stakeholder engagements to bring increased clarity to the situation. While there is a need to improve the levels of food production in the country which will only come through increased investment throughout the value chain, the more that stakeholders have a chance to meet and chart the future the higher rate of success.
Present your project to investors and financial institutes
Networking with decision makers and stakeholders
Contribute and help chart the future
Learn from the latest research and trends
The Malaysia Global Business Forum will organize a series of food security event in conjunction with its food security initiative.
To get more information about the upcoming events please contact us today.
MGBF Food Security Initiave – Registration Form