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The Malaysia Global Business Forum holds several industry focused events, networking and business matching programs throughout the year. We assist trade and business delegations of various sizes from individual companies or associations who are exploring business opportunities in Malaysia, ASEAN and the wider Asian Markets.How Big is Your Carbon Footprint

How will SME’s compete in the global economy, by developing an “Allied Export Partner Strategy” find out more how the Malaysia Global Business Forum is assisting companies with this new approach to market development

Upcoming events include Business Matching Program for Food Trade & Production, Mixed Delegation from Russia, LED Lighting delegation to Dubai, Future Cities Round Table Discussion, Islamic Tourism, Food Security – Seed Production & Trade, to name just a few. To participate or to have your organisation organise a delegation to MalaysiaBUSINESS MATCHING - LED Lighting

 “Different Kind of Delegation” will be heading out to Aceh Indonesia to explore the social, environmental and economic opportunities to coincide with the 10 year anniversary of the India Ocean Tsunami

“MGBF Special Reports” will explore different industries sectors in Malaysia and how they intersect with the global economy. To assist companies in their expansion the Malaysia Global Business Forum partnered with BERNAMA TV the leading news channel in Malaysia. Content available at MGBF TV dedicated YouTube Channel

tmpTo coping with the “Green Economy” ambitions the Malaysian Government has identified 7 companies who lead in innovation and production capacity to lead the export drive (more)

Expanded consultancy offering to assist international companies exploring the possibility to expand their business into Malaysia.  MGBF will continue to assist Malaysian SME’s to expand into different markets regionally and globally. (more) 

The Malaysia Global Business Forum is working with leading LED exporters and experts to development markets in Europe and the Middle East for information visit (more)

BUSINESS MATCHING AsiaTake advantage of our extensive network and knowledge of the Malaysian market the Malaysia Global Business Forum organise several country specific forums and business matching sessions, traditionally held in conjunction with visiting high level or ministerial delegations.  The Malaysia Global Business Forum has recently expanded this service to individual companies looking set up in Malaysia and trade associations that are looking to expand their market share in the Malaysian and Asian Markets.
