According to latest statement,to promote the #makeitblue campaign, OTONOMORI (a general incorporated association) will hold a Blue Rose InstaLive on August 7th at 7:00pm Japan time. The third volume of the InstaLive will use music to cheer on healthcare providers and everyone else fighting the coronavirus.
Previously, Takuya Kambara, a top young Japanese pianist, organized a program for a one hour online classical piano concert. Through music, Kambara expressed his support for the campaign to the world. The program was built around the color “blue” to signify healthcare professionals, and consisted of an hour of delicate and moving piano music.
For Volume 3, titled Blue Rose, three artists will come together to cheer up the world through an InstaLive. The free concert will be held through the Instagram accounts of @taishilou (7:00pm–7:20pm), @ushi_handpan (7:30pm–8:00pm) and @kambara913 (8:00pm–8:30pm).
The #lightitblue campaign will also be held at major facilities in Japan on the same day. By taking part in this concert, you can express your gratitude through blue light and music.
@taishilou (7:00pm–7:20pm) – Vocalist
@ushi_handpan (7:30pm–8:00pm) – Handpan artist
@kambara913 (8:00pm–8:30pm) – Classical pianist