Home Picasso’s master works to be featured at the Melbourne Winter Masterpieces exhibition in June Figures by the Sea (Figures au bord de la mer) 12 January 1931 Pablo Picasso

Figures by the Sea (Figures au bord de la mer) 12 January 1931 Pablo Picasso

Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881–1973 Cat seizing a bird (Chat saisissant un oiseau) 22 April 1939 oil on canvas 81.0 x 100.0 cm Musée national Picasso-Paris Donated in lieu of tax, 1979 © Succession Picasso/Copyright Agency, 2022 Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Mathieu Rabeau

Pablo Picasso Spanish 1881–1973 Figures by the sea (Figures au bord de la mer) 12 January 1931 oil on canvas 130.0 x 195.0 cm Musée national Picasso-Paris Donated in lieu of tax, 1979 © Succession Picasso/Copyright Agency, 2022 Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Mathieu Rabeau

Pablo Picasso
Spanish 1881–1973
Figures by the sea (Figures au bord de
la mer) 12 January 1931
oil on canvas
130.0 x 195.0 cm
Musée national Picasso-Paris
Donated in lieu of tax, 1979
© Succession Picasso/Copyright Agency, 2022
Photo © RMN-Grand Palais (Musée national Picasso-Paris) / Mathieu Rabeau

Abduction of the Sabines (L’Enlevement des Sabines) 4-8 November 1962 Pablo Picasso
Portrait of a woman (Portrait de femme) 1938 Pablo Picasso