Beware of Covid-19, Beware of Immunisation Scam!

Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yasin already declared that Malaysia will be under restricted movement order for 14 days starting 18 March to 31 due to the outbreak. With the order, the public are advised to stay at home during the period. Even with health crises that happen around the world, there are irresponsible people with various ways to scam including claiming that they are from the health ministry to do immunisation service.

According to the National Security Council (NSC), advised the public to be cautious by irresponsible scam taking advantage of the Covid-19. The government has never appointed any agency or representative to conduct immunisation against coronavirus outbreak. “Do not allow anyone to enter your home for that purpose (immunisation), it said.

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Beware of frauds offering door to door Covid-19 immunisation hoaxes, these scammers will try to obtain your personal details such as name and bank card details in order to use them later. About 65% of doorstep scam victims were aged 75 and over, don’t let yourself be one of the victims!